Scraping Google Shopping listings : Product Details, Seller Details, Price

In this article we will see how WebHarvy can be easily configured to scrape data from Google Shopping. Being a generic web scraping software, WebHarvy can be configured to extract data from any website as per your requirement.

WebHarvy can be easy configured to scrape product details, seller/price details from Google Shopping product listings.

Getting started with web scraping using WebHarvy

Scraping product data from Google Shopping

The following video shows how WebHarvy can be configured to scrape product details from Google Shopping listings.

Regular Expression strings used in the above video are copied below.



Scraping product details using keyword list (Name/UPC/GTIN)

The Keyword Scraping feature of WebHarvy can be used to search Google Shopping using a list of keywords and scrape resulting data.

Video below shows how product details corresponding to a list of GTIN can be extracted

The following video shows how WebHarvy can be configured to extract product details from Google Shopping listings, by submitting a list of product names as keywords. Details page of each product is loaded to get additional details.

In the above video a list of UPC codes are used to perform search and product data (in search result) for each UPC is extracted.

Watch: WebHarvy Video Tutorial

Getting GTIN of products

The following video shows how WebHarvy can be configured to get GTINs for a list of product search keywords from Google Shopping.

We recommend that you download and try the evaluation version and also view the video demonstrations.

Download the FREE evaluation version of WebHarvy

Need Support ?

In case you need assistance in configuring WebHarvy, please do not hesitate to contact our support team ( with the details (URL of the webpage + details of the data to be scraped). We are happy to help you get started with your first data extracting project using WebHarvy !