WebHarvy can scrape the following data from TripAdvisor website:
- 1. Hotel & Restaurant data including their price, rating, contact details etc.
- 2. TripAdvisor Reviews
- 4. TripAdvisor Forum Posts and Replies
- 5. Places of Interest
Getting started with web data extraction using WebHarvy
Scraping TripAdvisor Restaurant and Hotel listings
The following video shows how WebHarvy can be used to scrape restaurant/hotel details like name, price, reviews, ratings, email, website, address, room details etc. from TripAdvisor listings. (Detailed Article)
Scraping TripAdvisor Reviews
The following video shows how WebHarvy can be configured to scrape reviews and ratings from TripAdvisor website. Details like reviewer name, review title, review text, rating etc. can be selected for extraction. Also shown is how 'Read More' links at the end of longer reviews can be clicked to expand them, so that we select the entire review text during mining.
The Regular Expression strings used in the video are copied below.
wrote a review (.*)
rating bubble_([^"]*)
Scraping email addresses from TripAdvisor listings
The following video shows how WebHarvy can be configured to extract email addresses of hotels when their details page has an 'E-mail hotel' link.
The Regular Expression string used in the video to select email address is given below.
Watch: WebHarvy Video Tutorial
Scraping TripAdvisor Forum - Topic, Replies, Author
TripAdvisor forums can be scraped as shown in the following video. Each topic in the forum and its replies including author details can be easily extracted.
We recommend that you download and try the evaluation version of WebHarvy and also watch the basic video demonstrations.
Download the FREE evaluation version of WebHarvy
Need Support ?
In case you need assistance in configuring WebHarvy, please do not hesitate to contact our support team (support@webharvy.com) with the details (URL of the webpage + details of the data to be scraped). We are happy to help you get started with your first data extracting project using WebHarvy !