How to easily scrape sports betting odds using WebHarvy ?

WebHarvy is a visual web scraper with a point-click-select interface for easily extracting data from any website Betting Odds for Sports Analytics Getting sports betting odds values from multiple bookmaker and odds comparison websites like oddsportal is crucial for sports analytics and betting. Once you get the necessary odds values in table format, then processing/visualizing them … Read more

WebHarvy 5.4 (Auto delete cookies, Load more data using JS)

What is new in WebHarvy Version 5.4 ? Automatically delete cookies while mining Websites can get details regarding your previous visits using cookies stored locally by the browser. A new Browser Settings option has been added to prevent this. WebHarvy will periodically delete browser cookies during mining when this option is enabled. New pagination method … Read more

How to extract owner phone number and address from Zillow (Sale By Owner) listings ?

The following video shows how WebHarvy can be configured to extract owner phone numbers and addresses from Zillow’s ‘Sale By Owner’ listings. The Regular Expression strings used in the video to follow listing links and also to correctly extract phone numbers are : href=”([^”]*) (\d{3}-)?(\d{3}-\d{4})|(\(\d{3}\) ?\d{3}-\d{4}) Update (June 2021) : Due to recent changes in Zillow … Read more

How to get property data?

Millions of records of property details are publicly available in real estate websites like Zillow, Realtor, Trulia etc., or in other online real estate websites specific to your country/region. If having a quick access to this data is vital to the success of your business, then you can use our software, WebHarvy, to easily extract … Read more

How to extract property images from a list of property addresses ?

Suppose that you have a list of property addresses in a spreadsheet and your requirement is to get property images corresponding to each of those addresses. What we need to do is take each of those addresses, submit it in the search form of property / real-estate websites like Zillow, open the best matching result … Read more

A minor update to fix crashes reported with latest Windows updates

You must be aware that the latest updates (1809 and its re-release) released by Microsoft for Windows 10 caused issues for many users. Few of our customers reported application crash while trying to start up WebHarvy with these updates installed. We have solved this issue in the latest update ( of WebHarvy which you may download … Read more

How to split address to street, city, state, zip while web scraping ?

During web data extraction, you might sometimes require to split textual data, or extract only a portion of the selected text. Following are 2 scenarios: Split the address string to street, city, state and zip Extract details like price, order number, phone, email etc. from a string In such cases, you can use the ‘Capture … Read more

How to web scrape after translating a page to another language ?

You can use Google Translate to translate a web page to another language and then use WebHarvy to scrape the translated content. For this, you will first need to translate the page using Google Translate’s web interface, find the translated page frame URL and then load it within WebHarvy. The video below demonstrates the process. … Read more