WebHarvy 7.2 Release Update

The following are the changes in this version. 1. Updated quick start guide with useful links and demonstration/tutorial video search for various websites. 2. For multi-level category scraping, when the ‘Tag with category’ option is enabled in WebHarvy Settings, instead of filling the last column in data table with only the final sub-category name, the … Read more

WebHarvy 7.1 Release Update

WebHarvy 7.1 is another iteration of the WebHarvy software, with minimal visual changes and substantial improvements under the hood. The following are the changes in this version. Enhanced Pagination Handling WebHarvy 7.1 excels in handling a variety of pagination techniques, including infinite scroll, load-more, and normal pagination, demonstrating superior speed and efficiency compared to its … Read more

WebHarvy 6.6 Release Update

The following are the changes in the latest version of WebHarvy Edit Proxies You can now edit details of saved proxy servers. In Settings > Proxy Settings, by double clicking on a saved proxy address (in Proxy List), you can edit its details (user name, password, address, port) and save changes. Earlier you needed to … Read more

Version – MySQL Latest Version Support

WebHarvy Version is a minor release which contains bug fix for issues reported while exporting data to latest version of MySQL server (8.0.29). Along with this we have also updated other libraries which are used internally by the software. This update may be downloaded from https://www.webharvy.com/download.html

WebHarvy 6.5 – Browser Update + Many useful additions

Version of WebHarvy comes with the following changes. Internal Browser Update The internal browser has been updated to Chromium V96, which comes with the latest security updates and web standards compliance. Auto Enable ‘Follow this Link’ option When you click a link during configuration and find the Follow this link option disabled, apply the … Read more

WebHarvy 6.4 – Faster Mining

In this version we have improved the performance (speed) of Capture Following Text option while mining data. Since this option is heavily used for accurately selecting data from details pages (pages linked from starting page), it translates to faster mining especially for large amounts of data. The database export feature has been updated to fix … Read more

WebHarvy 6.3 – Custom Data Fields, Page Screenshot, Miner Settings in Configuration

WebHarvy 6.3 comes with support for custom data fields. The following custom data fields can be added to a configuration. Current page URL Screenshot of currently loaded page Date and Time of mining data User provided text Custom data fields can be added by clicking anywhere on the page during configuration and by selecting ‘Add … Read more